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Retiring boomers face caregiver shortage
MarketWatch (blog) - Aug 27, 2013
Most people age 65 and over who need caregiving help get at least some
of that help from their families –often, from their boomer-generation
children. But as a new report from the AARP Public Policy Institute
makes clear this week, the boomers may struggle ...
In Coming Decades, Fewer Caregivers
New York Times (blog) - Aug 26, 2013
If you're a healthy baby boomer looking after your own elderly parents,
that question may not have crossed your mind just yet. But it's going
to be a big issue going forward. The AARP's Public Policy Institute
issued a report on Monday suggesting that potential ...
AARP: Fewer people will take care of baby boomers
The Seattle Times - Aug 26, 2013
A report released Monday by AARP projects that by 2030 there will be
only four potential caregivers available for each person 80 or older,
down from a high of more than seven in 2010. By Tara Bahrampour. The
Washington Post ...
AARP kicks aging baby boomers when they're already down
Los Angeles Times - Aug 26, 2013
The end is near. No, really. And it's not going to be pretty. Don't
take it from me, though. The ones issuing the doomsday proclamation this
time are the folks at AARP. And they're talking about you, baby
boomers. Seems it's the same old mathematical equation ...
Baby boomers may have no one to care for them in old age
Los Angeles Times - Aug 26, 2013
Baby boomers may have no one to care for them in their old age.
Shifting demographics mean that aging boomers will have fewer friends
and family members to take care of them as they get into their 80s,
according to a new study by AARP. In other words ...
AARP: Senior Caregiver Supply to Plummet as Boomers Age
Senior Housing News - Aug 27, 2013
Fewer older Americans will be able to remain living in their homes as
they age, predicts AARP in a new report, as the number of potential
caregivers shrinks dramatically compared to the coming boom in seniors
at risk of needing long-term care.
Aging Boomers Will Result In Massive Decrease In Caregiver Availability
RedOrbit - Aug 27, 2013
Baby boomers who are currently caring for their elderly parents might
not have anyone around to fill that role during their twilight years,
according to a new study from AARP. According to the study, the ratio of
potential caregivers to older men and women in ...
As baby boomers age, caregiver shortage grows
MSN News - Aug 27, 2013
An AARP report predicts the ratio of family caregivers to the elderly
will plummet in the coming decades. MSN News 3 days ago James Eng of MSN
News. share · tweet · email. Americans who believe they'll be able to
rely on their families as caregivers when ...
Baby Boomers May Fall Short of Caregivers by 2030
Headlines & Global News - Aug 27, 2013
Americans should anticipate a huge shortage of caregivers available to
take care of the boomers in the next decades. (Photo : Reuters).
Americans should anticipate a huge shortage of caregivers available to
take care of the boomers in the next decades, the ...
Baby Boomers May Not Have Caregivers in Old Age
Austrian Tribune - Aug 27, 2013
It has recently been suggested by shifting demographics that baby
boomers could be having lesser or no friends to look after them when
they enter their 80s. The ageing boomers are even unlikely to have
family members by their side. The same does not ...
Can technology close the care gap for Baby Boomers?
GigaOM - Aug 26, 2013
A report from the AARP shows that as Baby Boomers age, the number of
potential caregivers will dramatically decrease. Policy changes are need
to address the shortage, but technology could make a difference too.
elderly. Baby Boomers may be stepping up ...
AARP Report Projects Caregiver Gap for Aging Baby Boomers
Millionaire Corner - Aug 26, 2013
"The supply of family caregivers is unlikely to keep pace with demand
to assist the growing number of frail older people in the future."
Article | Mon, 08/26/2013 - 13:18 | By Donald Liebenson. A new AARP
report will not ease Baby Boomers concerned about ...
You Take Care of Mom, But Who Will Take Care of You?
AARP News - Aug 26, 2013
WASHINGTON, DC – The pool of family and friends to care for Baby
Boomers as they age into their 80s will be less than half as deep as it
is today, according to a new report from AARP. The report predicts the
ratio of potential family caregivers to elders ...
Help! Who Will Care for Baby Boomers When They Need It?
AARP News (blog) - Aug 26, 2013
Many hands may not really make light work, but at least they help. The
abundance of baby boomers means many can care for their aging parents.
But a sobering report released today by the AARP Public Policy Institute
shows that within the next 20 years, ...