Monday, April 28, 2008

Baby Boomer Women: Secure Futures or Not?

Baby Boomer Women: Secure Futures or Not?

A Summer/Fall 2007 collaborative study by the Harvard Generations Policy Program and the Global Generations Policy Institute

Edited By Paul Hodge
Chair, Global Generations Policy Institute
Director, Harvard Generations Policy Program

Baby Boomer Women: Secure Futures or Not? is a "first-of-its-kind" study.
With baby boomer women facing unique employment, financial, retirement, housing and health care challenges, this study provides answers on how baby boomer women and women of all ages may experience abundant, secure and fulfilling lives.

As a collaboration between the Harvard Generations Policy Program and the Global Generations Policy Institute (GGPI), Baby Boomer Women: Secure Futures or Not? comprises a series of "cutting edge" research articles. The expert authors, drawn from the academic, business and policy communities, examine a number of critical and often overlooked employment, financial, health care, housing and retirement challenges facing women. GGPI’s Chair Paul Hodge has observed:

"Baby Boomer Women: Secure Futures or Not? is a culmination of a year of rigorous collaborative work by and among our Harvard partners and our most gifted authors. This pro bono, groundbreaking, public service venture was conceived, funded and led by GGPI as part of its Women’s Abundance Leadership Initiative.